Male Health
DHEA-S can gauge the health of the reproductive system and adrenal glands. It is one of three adrenal androgens: steroid hormones that control the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics.
For biological males, testing the hormone estradiol (one type of estrogen) is key in understanding testosterone levels and sexual function. Estradiol is essential in sexual development and managing the reproductive system.
FSH levels share insight into one's fertility, along with testicle and pituitary health. Strong levels are necessary for healthy male hormonal function, and are partially responsible for sperm production and sexual development.
LH helps the testicles make testosterone, which is important for producing sperm and many other male functions. LH levels gives insight into one's sexual development and fertility.
Measuring one's PSA screens for tumors and/or monitors preexisting prostate cancer. On its own, it can not be used to diagnose cancer. Rather, this test and one's total PSA reveals the health of your prostate and acts as a signal if something is wrong.
This percentage helps determine the risk of prostate cancer and is often referred to if a doctor is deciding whether or not to conduct a biopsy. The percentage is calculated by dividing free PSA by total PSA and multiplying it by 100%.
Measuring one's PSA screens for tumors and/or monitors preexisting prostate cancer. On its own, it can not be used to diagnose cancer. Rather, this test and one's free PSA reveals the health of your prostate and acts as a signal if something is wrong.
When SHBG levels change, it can impact the amount of available hormones in the body, either too much or too little. This can impact sexual function and fertility. SHBG patrols the amount of sex hormones the body tissues can use.
Prolactin levels can guide diagnosis of low libido or erectile dysfunction, or screen for pituitary tumor. Prolactin is a peptide hormone produced by the pituitary gland.
This helps evaluate functions associated with testosterone levels, such as fertility, sexual function, muscle mass, energy, mood, insulin resistance/sensitivity, and pituitary function. It can also screen for prediabetes. Function tests both "free" and “total” testosterone in the blood.
Androstenedione is a steroid hormone that acts as a precursor to testosterone and estrogen. In women testing can help evaluate polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) irregular menstrual cycles or adrenal disorders which can cause excessive hair growth (hirsutism) acne or fertility issues. In men it evaluates testosterone production and adrenal function which may help explain symptoms like low sex drive (libido) fatigue or reduced muscle mass. *This add-on test is available for an additional cost and is not included in the $499 membership.
DHT is a potent androgen (a type of hormone that regulates growth and reproduction) derived from testosterone. In men DHT levels can help evaluate conditions such as male pattern baldness prostate disorders or hormonal imbalances. In women testing can provide insights into androgen-related issues such as excessive hair growth (hirsutism) acne or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). *This add-on test is available for an additional cost and is not included in the $499 membership.
IGF-1 is known as the "growth hormone" because it stimulates growth in cells throughout the body. This leads to growth and development (from the womb and through adolescence), strengthening of tissues (e.g. improving bone density, building muscle), and healing (e.g. skin, bones, gut lining), depending on what the body needs. *This add-on test is available for an additional cost and is not included in the $499 membership.
In all adults, healthy levels of testosterone are important for general health, body composition, sexual function, and reduced risk of disease. Function tests both "free" and “total” testosterone in the blood.
This test analyzes genetic variations in the MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene, which plays an important role in processing folate (vitamin B9) and regulating homocysteine, a substance linked to heart and brain health. Variants in this gene can affect cardiovascular health, energy production, reproduction, and neurological function. *This add-on test is available for an additional cost and is not included in the $499 membership.